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Communicable Illness Plan and Policies

The health and safety of participants and staff is Davidson Summer Program’s top priority. Communicable diseases, both acute and chronic, exist everywhere and are present every summer. Hosting residential summer programs that draw from a national audience requires an immense amount of planning and careful risk mitigation. Our staff is trained annually on our communicable disease plan and how to incorporate prevention practices into daily programming.  

We continually evaluate and modify our operational procedures to ensure we are in compliance with any requirements of our host site, the University of Nevada, Reno, which are subject to change between now and the program start dates. This includes requirements for any testing and vaccination status of communicable diseases. Thank you for helping us support a safe and healthy program experience for all our participants. 


Prior to your arrival, we will connect with you on how you can contribute to health and safety before the program even begins. Each family will receive information on practices and recommendations to follow in the spring newsletter. Parents and participants will also review and agree to the program handbook, which outlines communicable disease-related policies and practices. 

Health History

Participants are required to submit a health physical (within two years of session start date), immunization records, and health history information. This health information is reviewed by the health supervisor prior to the program and helps identify those who are at higher risk of certain communicable illnesses. 

Immunization Records

We currently follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health for age-appropriate vaccination recommendations. Participants must provide a current record of completed immunizations as part of enrollment. Please refer to Nevada’s School Immunization Requirements for specific details. While not required, participants and summer staff are highly encouraged to be “fully vaccinated” and “up to date,” including any eligible boosters, for COVID-19, as defined by the CDC.  

Immunization requirements and policies will be updated based on new circumstances and updated recommended practices.  Additionally, as affiliates of University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) using on-campus buildings, housing, and food services, we are obligated to follow their directives for any updated policies regarding admission into the residence halls, which may or may not include immunization and/or virus testing requirements, which are subject to change between now and the program/event start dates. Please see our refund and cancellation policies on your program’s tuition and fees page for further information. 

We recognize that individuals have received vaccination waivers for various reasons. If a participant has not received one or more required vaccinations, they will need to submit exemption documentation to be reviewed by the health supervisor, who may follow-up for further details and clarification.  

Vaccine-Preventable Disease Policy

If a vaccine-preventable disease or outbreak occurs in the participant’s local region at any point prior to the program, they may be required to not attend the program in order to protect both the participant and other program participants that may be at risk. 

If a vaccine-preventable disease or outbreak occurs in the Reno/Tahoe area, and the participant is not immunized for that illness, they may be dismissed immediately for their safety and the safety of others. Parents will need to make travel arrangements to have their child return home within 24 hours of notification. 

In either of the scenarios listed above, no refunds will be given for any program costs. Please see our refunds and cancellation policies on your program's tuition and fees page for further information about early dismissal or departure due to sickness or injury. 

During Program

Health Screening

Upon arrival, a health screening will be conducted by the health supervisor for each participant and staff member. The health supervisor will determine if a person poses a health risk to the group, or if they have a concerning symptom(s). On a case-by-case basis, the health supervisor will determine what action needs to be taken, including but not limited to testing for a communicable disease, not admitting the person into the program, closely monitoring the individual or isolating the person at the program until symptom free. 

Preventative Practices

While participants are in our care, we remain diligent in reducing the risk of illnesses spreading. Each day, staff and participants will engage in several practices to keep our program community safe and clean, including the following: 

  • Encourage regular handwashing, especially before meals. Water and soap and/or sanitizing pumps will be available prior to every meal. 
  • Sanitizing pumps placed in key locations throughout the campus. 
  • Scheduled, regular times to sanitize frequently touched objects. 
  • Coach participants to cough/sneeze “into their sleeve” and to avoid touching their faces. 
  • Student orientation to include training on daily preventative practices, with visual reminders provided in commonly accessed areas. 
  • Emphasize that personal supplies belong to the owner and are not to be shared with others, this includes water bottles and drinks. 
  • Increase social distance between people when possible, especially in dining rooms. 
  • Sleep head-to-toe rather than nose-to-nose. (Create the greatest distance between sleeping heads). 
  • Train staff to recognize and report signs and indications of illness, as well as guidance on how to encourage healthy practices within small groups and during program activities.
  • Any further program-specific check-in protocols will be emailed directly to registered families 

Response to Illness

Should a communicable disease occur, Davidson Summer Programs will implement our response plan. In this response, the health supervisor and staff work to identify the problem and isolate those with the confirmed or suspected communicable disease. Arrangements will be made for carry-out meals, delivered by program staff, if the health supervisor determines that an individual should be temporarily isolated. 

An isolated participant will be unable to join daily activities until symptom free or as directed by the health supervisor and/or other medical professionals. Families whose children are ill at camp will be contacted by the health supervisor and will be given daily updates to communicate their treatment and progress. 

Regular daily programming for unaffected persons will continue during an outbreak. Daily prevention practices will be evaluated and altered to provide more care and reduce further spread. Families of unaffected participants will be informed by the director regarding the situation and response through email. The frequency of these emails will be determined by the severity of the outbreak. 

Our staff will meet daily to address our response plan and ensure we are meeting everyone’s needs. Continual assessment of an outbreak will occur, including the following potential action items: 

  • A participant or staff member may be sent home as determined by the health supervisor and director, and all other professional or expert entities informed of the outbreak. Part of this assessment will determine if the person’s medical needs exceed what the program is able to provide, and if their presence poses significant harm to others. 
  • If an outbreak is severe, the program may be ordered to close by government officials. Even without an order to close, Davidson Summer Programs may make the determination to close or cancel the program to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participants and staff. 

Our Resources 

These policies and practices continue to be informed by many sources, including but not limited to: