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Gifted Education in the U.S. – State Policy & Legislation

Gifted Resources

Gifted students in states across the country often encounter a wide range of services varying from state to state and even district to district. Gifted education is often left up to local control, and what districts send to the state board may not be enforced or currently in effect.

One excellent resource on the topic is the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)’s State of the States in Gifted Education, which includes individual states’ approaches toward identification, funding, acceleration and more. This report reveals an uneven delivery system with differing policies that weaken access to services. Local school districts are often responsible for funding programs to identify and serve gifted students, support teacher training, and develop critical policies on identification and service models. While there have been some positive developments, including progress towards ensuring that gifted students are served using specialized plans, NAGC is calling for numerous changes, urging lawmakers and education leaders to develop comprehensive state strategies to expand access to a full range of high quality gifted education services.

See NAGC’s Gifted by State page for state-by-state statistics and policies.

Additional resources:


Gilbert Villarreal

Wealth and lack of wealth determines the quality of resources among school districts affecting every aspect of a child's school participation from UIL activities to special needs departments.

Anita Spadaro

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