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Official Practice SAT & ITBS Eligibility for Davidson Applicants

Eligibility Assessment Partnership

The Davidson Institute’s Young Scholars program accepts several intelligence and achievement tests. You can learn more about those testing options on our Eligibility and Testing page.

In an effort to make two of the many tests we accept more readily available to families, the Davidson Institute has partnered with Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development (CTD) to offer two different eligibility assessment opportunities—a Davidson-specific, above-grade level Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) for 3rd-5th grade students and an Official Practice SAT for 6th-10th grade students.

Please Note: There is no preference given for scores from these testing opportunities, as opposed to scores from one of the other accepted tests listed below. We only require results from one test for the Young Scholars application.

In addition to the Young Scholars program, scores from these testing opportunities will also be accepted by the following Davidson Programs:

Because each Davidson program has their own eligibility criteria, application, and application process, please consult the website of the program you are interested in to ensure you are getting the most up-to-date information on that program’s application criteria and process.

Official Practice SAT

Official Practice SAT Dates Fall 2024: 

  • August 24, 2024 – 8 am Pacific (Saturday) - currently open for registration 

This Davidson-specific testing opportunity is limited to the dates listed above. We have worked with CTD to establish a remote, online testing environment that is in line with the testing and eligibility requirements of Davidson programs. As a result, we will only be accepting CTD Official Practice SAT program results from Davidson-specific testing dates. 

For more information and to register, CLICK HERE! 

Additional Fall dates will be opened later this Summer. We will have testing August- December. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, so you can be notified when Fall test dates are available and open for registration, please fill out the Fall 2024 Eligibility Assessment Waitlist Form. 

Look for updated information here, in our newsletter, and on our social media accounts. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated on this testing opportunity. 

Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)

ITBS Test Dates Fall 2024

  • 5th Grade 
    • August 25, 2024 – Full-Closed to Registration

This Davidson-specific testing opportunity is limited to the dates listed above. We have worked with CTD to establish a remote, online testing environment that is in line with the testing and eligibility requirements of Davidson programs. Similarly, the test itself is administered above-grade level, in order to meet the criteria of Davidson programs. As a result of these Davidson-specific testing details, we will only be accepting ITBS results from Davidson-specific testing dates. 

Additional Fall dates will be opened later this Summer. We will have testing August- December. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, so you can be notified when Fall test dates are available and open for registration, please fill out the Fall 2024 Eligibility Assessment Waitlist Form. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can register for this testing opportunity?

Based on the eligibility testing accepted by Davidson programs, the ITBS testing opportunity described on this page is open to students in grades 3-5. The Official Practice SAT testing opportunity described on this page is open to students in grades 6-10.

What dates can I register for?

We have worked with CTD to establish a remote, online testing environments that is in line with the testing and eligibility requirements of Davidson programs. As a result, we will only be accepting Official Practice SAT results and ITBS results from Davidson-specific testing dates.

To ensure that this opportunity is open and available to as many eligible testers as possible, testers are not allowed to participate in two consecutive testing dates.

That is, if you register your child to take the Official Practice SAT or ITBS and then want them to retest, you must wait one testing session before doing so.

Ex. If your child tests during the January test date, they cannot immediately test again during the February test date.

How much does test registration cost?

Test registration for the ITBS is $150.

Test registration for the Official Practice SAT is $55.

My child is not in the 3rd grade yet. Can they register for one of these tests?

Based on the eligibility testing accepted by Davidson programs, the ITBS testing opportunity described on this page is open to students in grades 3-5. The Official Practice SAT testing opportunity described on this page is open to students in grades 6-10.

Currently, we do not have a specific Davidson-hosted testing opportunity for younger students. Should that change, information will be posted on the website. In the meantime, you can learn more about the other accepted testing options by checking the admissions page of the Davidson program(s) you’re interested in.

We realize that one of the barriers many families face when pursuing resources or opportunities for their profoundly gifted (PG) or twice-exceptional (2e) child is being able to access testing. To help us better understand the challenges families encounter when pursuing and accessing testing opportunities for their child, please share your thoughts in our Testing Access Survey. Your thoughts will help to inform our work going forward.

You can also view our Gifted Testers and Therapists List to find potential testers in your area. Our Guides to Gifted Identification, Testing, and Therapists may also be useful to you as you navigate the identification and assessment process with your child.

How often can I register for one of these testing dates?

To ensure that this opportunity is open and available to as many eligible testers as possible, testers are not allowed to participate in two consecutive testing dates.

That is, if you register your child to take the Official Practice SAT or ITBS and then want them to retest, you must wait one testing session before doing so.

Additionally, students can only participate in a maximum of two test dates during this 2024 testing season (March-December 2024).

Are test results automatically applied to my student’s application?

No. Test scores are not automatically applied to applications, as families have the opportunity to use scores from these testing opportunities for several Davidson programs, including Davidson Institute’s Young Scholars Program, Davidson Institute’s THINK Summer Institute, Davidson Academy – Reno, and Davidson Academy Online. Each of these programs has their own application and process. Therefore, families must upload their scores to any Davidson application they wish to submit.

How do I submit my test results?

Test scores will be available to you via your CTD dashboard. Please take a screenshot of those scores or “print to PDF.” From there, please upload the file with your child’s scores to the Davidson program application you are filling out.

If you have any questions about this testing opportunity, please contact our Outreach team at